Legacy Fest 2024

Saturday, November 9
12:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Landers Chevrolet of Norman
1221 Ed Noble Pkwy


Legacy Fest 2024 - OU Watch Party

Proceeds to Benefit Rose Rock Habitat for Humanity!   
Legacy Fest will be held in the north parking lot of Landers Chevrolet
Pre-Purchase your table for 8 people below for discounted registration.
Also purchase 1/2 table for 4 people and individual tickets below.
Early bird Table Purchase: $200 (purchase by 10/25)
Table Purchase: $250 (10/26 - 11/8)
For sponsorship questions please see Sponsorship tab on the homepage or email:
lphillips@armstrongbank.com or gary.gage@landerscorp.com
Pre-Register Below:
Page Stories
All online transactions include a 3.5% convenience fee for credit card processing.

Table Purchase: $250.00 ($200 before 10/26)
Donate Now
Alumni (1/2 table) Purchase: $125 ($100 before 10/26)
Donate Now
Individual Ticket: $31
Donate Now
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